Planning the orthodontics treatment


The first orthodontic examination should be carried out around the age of 3, when all the milk teeth start to appear. Another - when the permanent teeth begin to erupt - "6-teeth” and incisors.

The doctor checks if the changes occurring in the child's mouth are within the normal range and also controls how the teeth close together in relation to three planes. He also observes the features of a small patient, asks about the child's habits and possible ENT diseases.

The earlier an abnormality is detected, the better the treatment results can be obtained with the help of simple means.

After qualifying the patient for treatment, the doctor performs a thorough analysis of the type and severity of the bite defect on the basis of external and intraoral examination, and also takes photos of the patient taking into account the bite, profile and facial symmetry.

Then patient takes X-rays - a pantomogram and a lateral skull telemetry photo. At the first visit, impressions of the upper and lower arches are also done, on the basis of which diagnostic models are made.

After a thorough examination, the orthodontist's doctor proposes appropriate therapy.

It should be beared in mind that orthodontic treatment is the last stage of dental treatment, earlier caries and possible periodontitis should be cured.


see also: How to treat malocclusion Types of malocclusion How to prevent malocclusions Methods of malocclusion treatment Removable braces