
Periodontal diseases

In the advanced form of periodontitis, the so-called periodontal pockets start to appear. They form as a result of inflammatory mediators, which affect the connective tissue and bone between the gum and the root of the tooth, causing the atrophy of the bone that holds the tooth in the alveolus.

This is how pockets are created, in which the remains of food often accumulate, and as a result of difficult hygiene, also sediment and stone. These are very favorable conditions for bacteria that cause further deepening of periodontitis. In these circumstances, there is often an exacerbation of inflammation, which is manifested by severe pain, redness, swelling of the gums, and even the formation of so-called periodontal abscesses.

Therefore, when diagnosing an advanced form of periodontitis, with coexisting periodontal pockets, it is recommended, in addition to removing stone, also so-called curettages. They rely on thorough cleaning of the root surfaces of teeth with the help of special tools, as well as their smoothing. After the procedure, an anti-inflammatory drug or antibiotic is applied to the pocket.

This treatment, performed regularly, gives very good results and allows for keeping healthy even very exposed and often moving teeth for many years ahead.


see also: How to diagnose a periodontal disease Scaling and sandblasting Oral hygiene instructions (how to improve it) Periodontal disease treatment